Ruth Rilo from Spain

"I am writing to you to give thanks for your implication to assign a family to my daughter Noa.
The family has been perfect for her. They were very friendly. She feels right at home with her family. I have been in touch with them since the very first moment. Janet and Graham ..."
"are fantastic. I highly recommend them.
She has felt very well in the school also. Naomi and Beth are fantastic. Not only they implicate pupils in the activities, but they also take care of mental health and interest on how they feel. Her English has improved a lot.
I hope next year she will be there again.
Dr. Lutz Wiedmann from Switzerland

"Nora (and Sina too) thoroughly enjoyed their stay in Bristol, and every single detail of it. It took the girls one and a half hours during our drive back home from Basel airport, to give me a full account of their stay: The late night welcome by their hosts, the excellent food, home-cooked by Rod, ..."
"the classes, the pancake party with the Thai students, the teachers…
Thank you so much for making their stay really enjoyable and worthwhile.
Dr. Lutz Wiedmann (parent)"
Abdulrahman from Saudi Arabia
""Dear IH Bristol,
I am hugely thankful to you all for the astonishing journey. I learnt much more than I expected. Despite the fact that It was such a long time, studying with you has been a game changer in my entire life. Due to the level of English I acquired from your professional and well-trained teachers, I managed to be accepted in an international scholarship in my country. Additionally, I was one of the best students who enrolled ..."
"in that program in terms of the language. As a consequence of your teaching that paved the way to such opportunities, I have unconditionally been admitted at one of the top universities in the world.
These doors would have been locked unless the efforts that had been devoted by your dedicated teachers. These words are written with tears. I could not be more grateful.
Thank you incredibly much for unlocking these doors.
Abdulrahman Albalawi"
- Abdulrahman studied General English and IELTS Preparation at IH Bristol from August-December 2019, and sent us this testimonial in April 2021. He's going to study Computer Engineering at The Ohio State University in the U.S. - congratulations Abdulrahman!"
Maru from Japan

"I chose Bristol because there aren’t many Japanese people here. Bristol’s a medium sized city compared to London, so it’s not too busy, but it’s exciting. The school’s social programme is good for making new friends and there’s a lot to do in Bristol.
There are a lot of people from ..."
"other countries at the school, especially Europeans, so I have enjoyed meeting them and learning about them and their cultures. The school isn’t too big, so the teachers care about me and I’m speaking English all the time, not Japanese! I can learn all the English skills, including writing. We also learn British English. At first, I couldn’t understand anything, but now I can talk about my ideas and feelings.
It’s good living with a host family because I can communicate with British people and my host mum’s cooking is good! It’s my first trip to Europe and I’ve enjoyed the culture, the people, the buildings and travelling easily. Everything’s new and exciting for me.
Augusto from Italy

"I chose to study in Bristol because I was told it was a beautiful city and that there’s always something going on.
I think the thing that I like most about IH Bristol is the teachers. Firstly, they are always happy. I can always perceive that they do their job with passion, ..."
"and commit all their energy. I’m very happy with them always correcting us! I know it’s a long path to learning a language.
It’s quite a good thing that there is a social programme, and each week there are new activities. There are regular fee activities, and I especially liked the Wildlife Photographer exhibition.
An easy answer as to why I’ve enjoyed my course is that I’ve improved considerably. The last time I studied English was more than 8 years ago, in school. In fact, it’s fair to say I never studied English properly at all.
In the end, I would highly recommend International House Bristol."
An Soyeon from South Korea

"My agent recommended the School to me because I really wanted to learn the British accent and I wanted to stay in a warm part of the UK.
At IH Bristol, the teachers teach in an attractive way. They don’t just teach students what they’ve prepared – they teach what students seem to need ..."
"and they care about each student individually. In Korea, I had only learnt English for two months in eight years and when I came to Bristol, the teachers recognised my frustrations and helped me to overcome my weaknesses. They gave me motivation to keep on studying.
I was worried about the weather before I came to Bristol, but even when it’s cloudy, it doesn’t feel gloomy here. It feels fresh and because the buildings aren’t so tall, I can see lots of sky.
I really love my host. She’s so good at cooking and this gives me a really good impression of British cuisine. Her house is spotless too.
I’ve found that British English has very different vocabulary from American English, which we learn in Korea, but it’s helped me understand the cultural differences between the two countries. Language shows the way people think and it’s broadened my horizons.
The greatest asset of IH Bristol is its teachers. Their teachers can use any method and can teach their students brilliantly. I can really feel my improvement in English and I don’t want to leave IH Bristol because I love it so much."
Maria Aznar from Spain

"I really like the way of teaching English with different methods (games, speaking, activities), how nice and enthusiatic the teachers are and of course the friends I have met here. I reckon Bristol is a very active city with a lot of students from around the world and with lots of great social activities ..."
"to do. I really like the the pubs, cafes, shops etc.
I'm sure my English has improved a lot in these 2 weeks. I've learnt a lot of new vocabulary, common expressions and grammer - especially in my last week. I really like the teachers and group work. I decided to do this course in a crucial moment of my life and I think it has been very postive and enriching for me. "