Phrase of the day

Discover a new phrase each day to use in your English! These are special phrases and sayings that English speakers use all the time, but you don't often see these phrases in English course books or other study material. Visit daily to learn some popular English phrases on a regular basis.
21st July 2024

It takes all sorts

We use this expression to show that you accept that other people are different to you and to say that you are not annoyed or angry about another person’s differences. You often use it as an answer to another person who is complaining about a third person for being different.
IH Bristol Phrase of the Day: It takes all sorts
Example 1
I really don’t like blue cheese.
Really? I absolutely love it!
It takes all sorts!
Example 2
Have you heard where Jim and Jenny are getting married? On a pig farm. Can you believe it? It's crazy.
I guess they really love pigs. Still, it takes all sorts!

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